First Supermarket in the UK to install ‘All in’ reverse vending machine!
Mo Razzaq has installed a new reverse vending machine (RVM) which accepts glass, as-well as PET plastic bottles and drinks cans, in his Supermarket in Blantyre, Scotland.
Mo Razzaq installed our X3 RVM Systems to assess the impact on staff and the logistics “in-store” of accepting glass bottles.
The installation of the Model X3 RVM system, follows a trial of an RVM for drinks cans and plastic bottles which Mo carried out earlier in the year.
Mo Razzaq said “We first trialed a deposit return scheme in December 2018. Then, it only accepted drinks cans and bottles, that was all.
“This week, we introduced the new machine that accepted glass. The main reason behind it was to test how the glass would impact on us retailers.”
The Scottish government announced in May that a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) for Scotland will include glass, plastic and aluminium drinks containers of all sizes and will apply to all retailers, while the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) confirmed in July it will consult on a proposed model for a Deposit Return Scheme for drinks containers in England and Wales in 2020, ahead of implementation by 2023.
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